Primel Mechanical Units
Primel Mechanical Units
Child Pages
- Tables of All Primel Mechanical Quantitels
- Primel Time Units
- The ⚀timel, or hexcia·day, or ⚀vibe
- Positive powers of the ⚀timel
- TGM Time Units as Primel Auxiliaries
- The ⚀hexa·timel, or semi·pentcia·day, or ⚀blink
- The ⚀hexa·unqua·timel, or semi·quadcia·day, or ⚀pause
- The ⚀hexa·biqua·timel, or semi·tricia·day, or ⚀sweep
- The ⚀hexa·triqua·timel, or semi·bicia·day, or ⚀break
- The ⚀hexa·quadqua·timel, or semi·uncia·day, or hour
- The ⚀hexa·pentqua·timel, or semi·day, or ⚀clock
- Phasic Time Units as Primel Auxiliaries
- The ⚀trina·timel, or quarter·pentcia·day, or ⚀flicker
- The ⚀trina·unqua·timel, or quarter·quadcia·day, or ⚀beat
- The ⚀trina·biqua·timel, or quarter·tricia·day, or ⚀verse
- The ⚀trina·triqua·timel, or quarter·bicia·day, or ⚀passage
- The ⚀trina·quadqua·timel, or quarter·uncia·day, or ⚀bell
- The ⚀trina·pentqua·timel, or quarter·day, or ⚀phase
- ⚀Clock Periods and ⚀Phases of the Day
- Periodic Table of Dozenal Divisions of the Day
- Dozenal Powers of Years
- Primel Acceleration Units
- Primel Velocity Units
- Primel Length Units
- The ⚀lengthel, or ⚀morsel·length
- Positive powers of the ⚀lengthel
- The ⚀unqua·lengthel, or ⚀hand·length
- The ⚀biqua·lengthel, or ⚀ell·length
- The ⚀triqua·lengthel, or ⚀habital·length
- The ⚀quadqua·lengthel, or ⚀stadial·length
- The ⚀pentqua·lengthel, or ⚀dromal·length
- The ⚀hexqua·lengthel, or ⚀itineral·length
- The ⚀septqua·lengthel, or ⚀regional·length
- The ⚀octqua·lengthel, or ⚀continental·length
- The ⚀ennqua·lengthel, or ⚀global·length
- Negative powers of the ⚀lengthel
- TGM Length Units as Primel Auxiliaries
- The ⚀trina·lengthel, or ⚀thumb·length
- The ⚀trina·unqua·lengthel, or ⚀foot·length
- The ⚀trina·biqua·lengthel, or ⚀chambral·length
- The ⚀trina·triqua·lengthel, or ⚀colossal·length
- The ⚀trina·quadqua·lengthel, or ⚀turrial·length
- The ⚀trina·pentqua·lengthel, or ⚀legual·length
- The ⚀trina·hexqua·lengthel, or ⚀provincial·length
- The ⚀trina·septqua·lengthel, or ⚀territorial·length
- The ⚀trina·octqua·lengthel, or ⚀quadrantal·length
- The ⚀trina·uncia·lengthel, or ⚀linial·length, or ⚀dermal·length
- The ⚀trina·bicia·lengthel, or ⚀folial·length
- The ⚀trina·tricia·lengthel, or ⚀serical·length
- The ⚀trina·quadcia·lengthel, or ⚀archaeal·length
- The ⚀trina·pentcia·lengthel, or ⚀virinal·length
- The ⚀trina·hexcia·lengthel, or ⚀membranal·length
- The ⚀trina·septcia·lengthel, or ⚀molecular·length
- Phasic Length Units as Primel Auxiliaries
- Miscellaneous Auxiliary Primel Length Units
- Primel Zoom Presentation
- Circumferal Length Units
- Primel Area Units
- The ⚀areanel, or ⚀morsel·area
- Positive powers of ⚀areanel
- The ⚀unqua·areanel, or ⚀stamp·area
- The ⚀biqua·areanel, or ⚀hand·area
- The ⚀quadqua·areanel, or ⚀ell·area
- The ⚀hexqua·areanel, or ⚀habital·area
- The ⚀septqua·areanel, or ⚀jugeral·area
- The ⚀octqua·areanel, or ⚀stadial·area
- The ⚀decqua·areanel, or ⚀dromal·area
- The ⚀unnilqua·areanel, or ⚀itineral·area
- The ⚀unbiqua·areanel, or ⚀regional·area
- The ⚀unquadqua·areanel, or ⚀continental·area
- The ⚀unhexqua·areanel, or ⚀global·area
- TGM Area Units as Primel Auxiliaries
- The ⚀ennea·areanel, or ⚀thumb·area
- The ⚀ennea·biqua·areanel, or ⚀foot·area
- The ⚀ennea·quadqua·areanel, or ⚀chambral·area
- The ⚀ennea·hexqua·areanel, or ⚀colossal·area
- The ⚀ennea·octqua·areanel, or ⚀turrial·area
- The ⚀ennea·decqua·areanel, or ⚀legual·area
- The ⚀ennea·unnilqua·areanel, or ⚀provincial·area
- The ⚀ennea·unbiqua·areanel, or ⚀territorial·area
- The ⚀ennea·unquadqua·areanel, or ⚀quadrantal·area
- Primel Volume Units
- The ⚀volumel, or ⚀morsel·volume
- Positive powers of the ⚀volumel
- The ⚀unqua·volumel, or ⚀mascaral·volume
- The ⚀biqua·volumel, or ⚀biberonal·volume
- The ⚀triqua·volumel, or ⚀hand·volume, or ⚀mug·volume
- The ⚀quadqua·volumel, or ⚀bucket·volume
- The ⚀pentqua·volumel, or ⚀drum·volume
- The ⚀hexqua·volumel, or ⚀ell·volume
- The ⚀ennqua·volumel, or ⚀habital·volume
- The ⚀unnilqua·volumel, or ⚀stadial·volume
- The ⚀untriqua·volumel, or ⚀dromal·volume
- The ⚀unhexqua·volumel, or ⚀itineral·volume
- The ⚀unennqua·volumel, or ⚀regional·volume
- The ⚀binilqua·volumel, or ⚀continental·volume
- The ⚀bitriqua·volumel, or ⚀global·volume
- Primel Analogs of TGM Volume Units
- The ⚀bi.dot.trina·unqua·volumel, or ⚀thumb·volume, or ⚀tablespoon·volume
- The ⚀bi.dot.trina·quadqua·volumel, or ⚀foot·volume
- The ⚀bi.dot.trina·septqua·volumel, or ⚀chambral·volume
- The ⚀bi.dot.trina·decqua·volumel, or the ⚀colossal·volume
- The ⚀bi.dot.trina·ununqua·volumel, or ⚀turrial·volume
- The ⚀bi.dot.trina·unquadqua·volumel, or ⚀legual·volume
- The ⚀bi.dot.trina·unseptqua·volumel, or ⚀provincial·volume
- The ⚀bi.dot.trina·undecqua·volumel, or ⚀territorial·volume
- The ⚀bi.dot.trina·biunqua·volumel, or ⚀quadrantal·volume
- Primel Analogs of Phasic Volume Units
- Primel Analogs for English Binary-Series Volume Units
- Chart of Primel Analogs of English Binary-Series Volume Units
- The ⚀ennea·volumel, or ⚀thimble·volume, or ⚀teaspoon·volume
- The ⚀quad.dot.hexa·unqua·volumel, or ⚀swig·volume
- The ⚀ennea·unqua·volumel, or ⚀jack·volume
- The ⚀sesqui·biqua·volumel, or ⚀gill·volume
- The ⚀trina·biqua·volumel, or ⚀cup·volume
- The ⚀hexa·biqua·volumel, or ⚀pint·volume, or ⚀pound·volume
- The ⚀bina·triqua·volumel, or ⚀pottle·volume
- The ⚀quadra·triqua·volumel, or ⚀gallon·volume
- The ⚀octa·triqua·volumel, or ⚀peck·volume
- The ⚀un.dot.quadra·quadqua·volumel, or ⚀kenning·volume
- The ⚀bi.dot.octa·quadqua·volumel, or ⚀bushel·volume
- The ⚀pent.dot.quadra·quadqua·volumel, or ⚀strike·volume
- The ⚀dec.dot.octa·quadqua·volumel, or ⚀barrel·volume
- The ⚀un.dot.ennquadra·pentqua·volumel, or ⚀seam·volume, or ⚀hogshead·volume
- The ⚀tri.dot.hexocta·pentqua·volumel, or ⚀pipe·volume
- The ⚀sept.dot.unquadra·pentqua·volumel, or ⚀tun·volume
- The ⚀bina·hexqua·volumel, or ⚀cord·volume
- Primel Density Units
- Primel Mass Units
- The ⚀massel, or ⚀morsel·mass
- Positive powers of the ⚀massel
- The ⚀triqua·massel, or ⚀hand·mass, or ⚀mug·volume
- The ⚀hexqua·massel, or ⚀ell·mass
- The ⚀ennqua·massel, or ⚀habital·mass
- The ⚀unnilqua·massel, or ⚀stadial·mass
- The ⚀untriqua·massel, or ⚀dromal·mass
- The ⚀unhexqua·massel, or ⚀itineral·mass
- The ⚀unennqua·massel, or ⚀regional·mass
- The ⚀binilqua·massel, or ⚀continental·mass
- The ⚀bitriqua·massel, or ⚀global·mass
- Primel Analogs of TGM Mass Units
- The ⚀bi.dot.trina·unqua·massel, or ⚀thumb·mass, or ⚀tablespoon·mass
- The ⚀bi.dot.trina·quadqua·massel, or ⚀foot·mass
- The ⚀bi.dot.trina·septqua·massel, or ⚀chambral·mass
- The ⚀bi.dot.trina·decqua·massel, or the ⚀colossal·mass
- The ⚀bi.dot.trina·ununqua·massel, or ⚀turrial·mass, or ⚀rustical·mass
- The ⚀bi.dot.trina·unquadqua·massel, or ⚀legual·mass
- The ⚀bi.dot.trina·unseptqua·massel, or ⚀provincial·mass
- The ⚀bi.dot.trina·undecqua·massel, or ⚀territorial·mass
- The ⚀bi.dot.trina·biunqua·massel, or ⚀quadrantal·mass
- Primel Mass Units Corresponding to English Binary-Series Volume Units
- The ⚀ennea·massel, or ⚀thimble·mass, or ⚀teaspoon·mass
- The ⚀quad.dot.hexa·unqua·massel, or ⚀swig·mass
- The ⚀ennea·unqua·massel, or ⚀jack·mass
- The ⚀sesqui·biqua·massel, or ⚀gill·mass
- The ⚀trina·biqua·massel, or ⚀cup·mass
- The ⚀hexa·biqua·massel, or ⚀pint·mass, or ⚀pound·mass
- The ⚀bina·triqua·massel, or ⚀pottle·mass
- The ⚀quadra·triqua·massel, or ⚀gallon·mass
- The ⚀octa·triqua·massel, or ⚀peck·mass
- The ⚀un.dot.quadra·quadqua·massel, or ⚀kenning·mass
- The ⚀bi.dot.octa·quadqua·massel, or ⚀bushel·mass
- The ⚀pent.dot.quadra·quadqua·massel, or ⚀strike·mass
- The ⚀dec.dot.octa·quadqua·massel, or ⚀barrel·mass
- The ⚀un.dot.ennquadra·pentqua·massel, or ⚀hogshead·mass
- The ⚀tri.dot.hexocta·pentqua·massel, or ⚀pipe·mass
- The ⚀sept.dot.unquadra·pentqua·massel, or ⚀tun·mass
- The ⚀bina·hexqua·massel, or ⚀cord·mass
- Primel Momentum Units
- Primel Action Units
- Primel Force (or Weight) Units
- The ⚀forcel, or ⚀morsel·force
- Positive powers of the ⚀forcel
- The ⚀triqua·forcel, or ⚀hand·force, or ⚀mug·weight
- The ⚀hexqua·forcel, or ⚀ell·force
- The ⚀ennqua·forcel, or ⚀habital·force
- The ⚀unnilqua·forcel, or ⚀stadial·force
- The ⚀untriqua·forcel, or ⚀dromal·force
- The ⚀unhexqua·forcel, or ⚀itineral·force
- The ⚀unennqua·forcel, or ⚀regional·force
- The ⚀binilqua·forcel, or ⚀continental·force
- The ⚀bitriqua·forcel, or ⚀global·force
- Primel Analogs of TGM Force Units
- The ⚀bi.dot.trina·unqua·forcel, or ⚀thumb·force, or ⚀tablespoon·force
- The ⚀bi.dot.trina·quadqua·forcel, or ⚀foot·force
- The ⚀bi.dot.trina·septqua·forcel, or ⚀chambral·force
- The ⚀bi.dot.trina·decqua·forcel, or the ⚀colossal·force
- The ⚀bi.dot.trina·ununqua·forcel, or ⚀turrial·force, or ⚀rustical·force
- The ⚀bi.dot.trina·unquadqua·forcel, or ⚀legual·force
- The ⚀bi.dot.trina·unseptqua·forcel, or ⚀provincial·force
- The ⚀bi.dot.trina·undecqua·forcel, or ⚀territorial·force
- The ⚀bi.dot.trina·biunqua·forcel, or ⚀quadrantal·force
- Primel Force (Weight) Units Corresponding to English Binary-Series Volume Units
- The ⚀ennea·forcel, or ⚀thimble·force, or ⚀teaspoon·force
- The ⚀quad.dot.hexa·unqua·forcel, or ⚀swig·force
- The ⚀ennea·unqua·forcel, or ⚀jack·force
- The ⚀sesqui·biqua·forcel, or ⚀gill·force
- The ⚀trina·biqua·forcel, or ⚀cup·force
- The ⚀hexa·biqua·forcel, or ⚀pint·force, or ⚀pound·force
- The ⚀bina·triqua·forcel, or ⚀pottle·force
- The ⚀quadra·triqua·forcel, or ⚀gallon·force
- The ⚀octa·triqua·forcel, or ⚀peck·force
- The ⚀un.dot.quadra·quadqua·forcel, or ⚀kenning·force
- The ⚀bi.dot.octa·quadqua·forcel, or ⚀bushel·force
- The ⚀pent.dot.quadra·quadqua·forcel, or ⚀strike·force
- The ⚀dec.dot.octa·quadqua·forcel, or ⚀barrel·force
- The ⚀un.dot.ennquadra·pentqua·forcel, or ⚀hogshead·force
- The ⚀tri.dot.hexocta·pentqua·forcel, or ⚀pipe·force
- The ⚀sept.dot.unquadra·pentqua·forcel, or ⚀tun·force
- The ⚀bina·hexqua·forcel, or ⚀cord·force
- Primel Tension Units
- Primel Pressure (or Energy Density) Units
- Primel Influence Units
- Primel Energy Units
- Primel Massic Energy (aka Specific Energy aka Velovity) Units
- Primel Power Units
- Primel Intensity Units