The ⚀septqua·areanel, or ⚀jugeral·area

The ⚀septqua·areanel, or ⚀jugeral·area

Formal name


Formal abbr⚀s↑arℓ
Colloquial name⚀jugeral·area
Colloquial abbr⚀jg·ar
TGM equiv

≈ 14z triqua·Surf

TGM equiv abbr≈ 14z tSf
SI & USC equiv

= 1,562,760z=3,736,368inch2
= 13,023z=25,947foot2

= 2410.555178meter2
= 0.595661157d acre


The seventh dozenal power of the ⚀areanel, the septqua·areanel (abbreviated s↑arℓ) is a dozen ⚀habital·areas. This is a fair approximation of the ancient Roman jugerumwhich was 28,800d square Roman feet, or approximately 27,106d square USC feet. Consequently, the proposed colloquial name for this is the ⚀jugeral·area.