The ⚀unqua·timel, or ⚀pentcia·day, or ⚀twinkling

Formal name⚀unqua·timel
Formal abbr⚀u↑tmℓ
Colloquial name⚀twinkling
Colloquial abbr⚀tw
Derivation abbrp↓dy
Deprecated namedovic
TGM equiv= bina·Tim
TGM equiv abbrb•Tm
SI & USC equiv0.42z|0.3472d seconds
Precision spec

3,191,886,031.25d caesium·periods
750,Ɛ58,327.3z caesium·periods
7.50Ɛ583273z octqua·caesium·periods


Although the duration of the ⚀timel is too fleeting to be perceptible, its unqual powers do fall within the range of human perceptions, starting with the ⚀unqua·timel (101z ⚀timels). This is equivalent to the pentcia·day (105z ⚀days), which comes out to (50/144)d of a second (0.42z|0.3472d seconds). In the past, dozenalists have dubbed this unit the "dovic" (short for "a dozen vics"). But perhaps we can find a nickname that is a little more intuitive. Note that this unit is a little over a third of a second, and therefore about the time it takes to blink an eye. Accordingly, Primel proposes to colloquialize this unit as the ⚀twinkling. So a dozen ⚀vibes make a ⚀twinkling.

See Also